GREENEST GREEN is the voice of philosophical issues, thoughts and involvements.

It shakes the tree of modern life's routines to shed corrupted leaves such as injustice, fears, ignorance, indifference, rigid mindsets that hinder critical thinking, with a mission to open room for light, love, life, and human dignity.

Founder, Composer, Arranger:

Arash Momtahan


Pejman Ghelich

GREENEST GREEN was founded and started by Arash Momtahan about two decades ago, initially focusing on instrumental music that had not yet been released.

Through out the years, Arash Momtahan, was working on side projects such as animation musics, and short films as a separate endeavor from Greenest Green.

But as a leader of the band he was actively thinking about how to pump new blood to Greenest Green veins.

This marked the beginning of an evolution, starting with the first single, "Now World Is Changing," released in 2017. Greenest Green continued with "It's Time" in 2019 and "Daddy is in Control" in 2021.

Stay tuned cause the best is yet to come.

About a decade ago, Greenest Green went through a revival moment when Pejman Ghelich joined the band, bringing his remarkable lyrics.

Pejman's philosophical angle due to exposure to fractal nature of life in his biomedical engineering research, perfectly matched with Arash's musical gifts and artistic passion!

Copyright © Greenest Green 2024. All right reserved.